• Visitors

    We encourage you to visit our campus Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please be ready to provide a valid form of ID in the front office.

  • Arrival
    Upon arriving at the school before 8 am, all students will report to the cafeteria. At 8:00 am, sixth graders will be dismissed to go to their halls, and seventh and eighth graders will remain in the cafeteria until the bell rings at 8:30 am to go to first period. All students are welcome to eat breakfast in the cafeteria from 8:00-8:30 am.
    Students are dismissed from 8th period at 3:45. Students being picked up or walking home should exit out the front doors. Students who ride the bus home will exit out the side doors and wait for their bus there.

  • Registration
    When you come to enroll your child at Highland Middle School, please bring the following:

    • Withdrawl papers from previous school or Report Card from previous school  
    • TAKS Results (if applicable)
    • Student's Birth Certificate
    • Student's Social Security Card
    • Current Immunization Records 
    • Proof of In-District Residency (electric bill, water bill, etc.)

  • Bus Transportation Expectations

    All eligible students will be permitted to ride the bus provided they conduct themselves properly and have a signed bus card on file. Students may be forbidden to ride the bus because of misconduct. Students should report to the designated bus loading area as soon as the bell rings in order to avoid missing the bus.

    Bus safety is of primary concern to the school district. The district has attempted to balance the loads on buses by assigning students to a certain bus. It is very important that a student ride the assigned bus.

    Permission to ride a different bus or to get off the bus with another student must be obtained prior to the end of the school day. A note written by the parent must be approved by an administrator.

    School buses are operated by Durham Transportation. The office number is 817-847-6537. The bus driver is charged with the responsibility of maintaining discipline. He/she shall report violations to the school principal. THE BUS DRIVER HAS THE SAME AUTHORITY OVER THE STUDENT AS A CLASSROOM TEACHER.

    The policies that govern riding the school bus are listed below. The enforcement of these rules will be very rigid since the student’s behavior on the school bus is extremely important for bus safety.

    First Offense - the driver will make a written referral to the principal and contact the parent. The principal will determine if other consequences are warranted.

    Second Offense - the student may be suspended from riding the bus for 3 days and other alternative discipline may be used at the discretion of the principal.

    Third offense - the student may be suspended from riding the bus for 5 days and other alternative discipline may be used at the discretion of the principal.

    Fourth offense - the student may be suspended from riding the bus for the remainder of the semester and other alternative discipline may be used at the discretion of the principal. If the offense occurs during the last six weeks of a semester, it may be extended to the end of the following semester.

    The principal has the authority to skip steps for serious violations or repeat them if necessary.