• Workout for the week of 4/6-4/10

    Try to complete the workout 2-3 times this week!


    Our focus this week is Aerobic Capacity – Complete 3 rounds of this circuit.  Perform each exercise 30 seconds with a 15 second rest.  Remember always start with your stretch routine!

    **When your done make sure to go to Canvas, copy the Workout Log Assignment 4/6-4/10 and copy and paste the table into your submission and enter your workout results!!  This will be graded for the week.** 

    Now put 30 seconds on your clock and get started!!

    Lines Jumps:  Remember we want everything to be quick today!!

    • 30 seconds Hop on right foot only side to side(you don’t need a line just pick a spot on the floor and jump)
    • Rest 15 seconds
    • 30 seconds Hop on left foot only side to side
    • Rest 15 seconds
    • 30 seconds Hop side to side both feet together(remember hop as fast as you can)
    • Rest 15 seconds
    • 30 seconds Hop front to back feet together
    • Rest 15 seconds
    • 30 seconds quick feet over the line front to back
    • Rest 15 seconds
    • 30 second shuffles (shuffle 3 steps to the right touch ground with right hand, then 3 steps to the left touch ground with left hand) *remember stay low in athletic stance*
    • Rest 1 minute
    • Repeat!!

    Remember if you need a break take one!  This is your workout!


    Remember after every workout you want to finish with some type of stretches for at least 5 minutes.



    Workout Day 1

    Workout Day 2






    Hops on right foot




    Hops on left foot




    Side to side hops




    Front to back hops




    Quick feet








    Add a core exercise here if you want!