• What do I wear during athletics?

    Everyone who signs up to for athletics is required to purchase a set of “purples & grays”. A set, shorts & t-shirt, cost $35.00. Purples & grays must be worn each day during athletics, even if you are not participating in practice. Points are deducted from your athletics grade each day if you are not dressed out.

    Football players will be issued football equipment to be worn during the season. When football season is over, you will begin wearing your purples & grays daily.

    When are practices?

    7th grade practices are held in the mornings for football, volleyball, & basketball. Your coaches will give you an exact timetable for each sport. Typically, we will ask you to come in earlier at the start of each season. Once a routine has been established and the basic schemes learned, we will bump the start times back about 30 minutes.

    For track season, everyone practices during the period and after school.

    8th grade practices are always after school. Again, your coaches will give a specific ending time for each day for you each day.

    If I am absent from school on game day, can I play that night?

    No! You must be present for at least four of your classes on the day of the games. This would also include SAC time. If you are in SAC on a game day, you will not play.

    Is transportation provided to & from games?

    Yes. A bus or busses will always be available for transportation to and from games. This includes home games.

    We strongly discourage athletes from riding in private vehicles to the games. We feel that the time on the bus, and showing up at the game site together, is a better display of teammanship.

    Do I have to participate in all sports?

    Girls – On the girl’s side of athletics there are tryouts for both volleyball and basketball. If you do not make a team, you are a part of the off-season group. This group will continue to work on skills specific to the sport in season, as well as conditioning and coordination drills.

    For track season all athletes will participate during the period, but not all will stay for after-school practice or attend track meets.

    Boys - On the boy’s side of athletics, everyone practices and plays football. There is not an off-season for those who just want to play basketball.

    For basketball, there will be a tryout period. Anyone who does not make a team will go into an off-season program until track season.

    For track season all athletes will participate during the period, but not all will stay for after-school practice or attend track meets.

    For anyone not already enrolled in athletics, you will be allowed to tryout basketball. However, you will be at a great disadvantage compared to the people who have been in athletics. We will already be familiar with them and their work habits. They will also be in far better shape and condition than those who have not been working out on a daily basis.

    What if I can’t practice?

    If you cannot participate in a practice you should have a note from a parent, or have previously gone to the nurse. Do not show up to practice and expect to just tell us you are hurt or sick. This is unacceptable.

    On that note, you are in athletics. You should expect to have aches and pains. You are not going to get any stronger, or more conditioned, unless you work through some of these things.   Make sure if your parent writes you a note that they are specific about what the injury is, and what things they don’t think you should do. Obviously, if an injury were severe enough, we would not expect you to participate.

    You must understand that a lack of participation in practice directly influences your playing time.

    Does everyone get to play?

    If you make a team, you will get to play in games. The amount of time that you play will be determined by the amount of practices you have attended, your attitude & hustle, as well as your performance in the game.

    We are trying to teach you to be winners. We have been given the go ahead by high school coaches to approach games with that attitude. This means the players that a coach feels are making the greatest contributions will get the biggest number of minutes. If you feel like you are not getting to play as much as you would like, then you need to consider moving down to another team or do the extra things in practice that will get you noticed.