• 6th Grade Pre-Athletics

    Course Description
    The pre-athletics and athletic class will incorporate a variety of activities that will help the overall development of the student-athlete. Students will participate in all activities in this course and work at a vigorous level. 

    Each week students will be given specific training in the following: speed and endurance, agility, explosive movement, weight training, and sport-specific skills. Nutrition and wellness will also be incorporated, and athletes will rotate day-to-day between these specific sessions. 

    Students will be required to suit out each day and must purchase a pre-athletics uniform. All uniforms are purchased directly from the athletic department during the first 2 weeks of school and will also be available throughout the year. The cost is $35 and includes a shirt, a pair of shorts, a drawstring bag, and a journal.

    Course Materials

    • Pre-Athletics and Athletic Uniforms required
    • Pre-Athletics Journal

    Course Goals
    Students who complete this course successfully will be able to:

    • Demonstrate proficiency in fundamental techniques and skills using proper form, specific movement, and key terminology.
    • Comprehend and maintain health information and skills necessary to become healthy adults and refine their critical thinking skills about behaviors in which they should and should not participate.
    • Apply the knowledge and skills for movement that provide the foundation for enjoyment, continued social development through physical activity, and access to a physically-active lifestyle.

    Student Evaluation
    The grading system for this course is as follows:

    • Grades will be based on dressing out and daily participation.  Twenty (20 pts.) per day will be deducted from the student’s weekly grade (possible 100 pts/20pts x 5 days) when they do not dress out or participate.
    • A parent note will excuse a student for Three (3) days from participation.  After Three (3) days, a doctor’s note is required to sit out or the student will lose their participation points for that day.
    • Grade averaged 60% Major 40% Minor
    • Major grades – tests (including District Common Assessments, six weeks assessments, projects, final essays, research papers, presentations); minimum three per six weeks
    • Minor grades – quizzes, daily assignments, journals; minimum four per six weeks
    • Semester exams will count 1/7 of the semester grade
    • A letter system (S, N, U) is used to report a student’s conduct based on proper/responsive conduct and citizenship
    • Per Board Policy EIA (LOCAL), “The District shall permit a student who meets the criteria detailed in the grading guidelines a reasonable opportunity to redo an assignment or retake a test for which the student received a failing grade. This policy applies only to initial identified major grades and does not apply to daily assignments, quizzes, six-week test, and semester final examinations.  Upon reteach and retest, the new test, project, etc. recorded will be a high score of 70%.

    Assignments, exams, expectations outside of the classroom:

    • The fall shall incorporate 3 days of strength, agility, and endurance training and 2 days of skill training per week. The spring shall incorporate 2 days of strength, agility, and endurance training and 3 days of skill.
    • Tested areas will be vertical jump, 20-yard shuttle, 40-yard dash, 400-meter run, and number of sit-ups and pushups in one minute using the FitnessGram standard. Re-tests will be performed twice during the year along with the FitnessGram assessment.

    Attendance/Tardy Policy/Make-Up Work
    Students may have an opportunity of doing make-up work by doing a make-up work workout or a writing assignment in the journal. The writing topics will be the following:

    • Sports
    • Current Events on Sports
    • Physical Activity/Exercises
    • Health-Related Items (ex: heart, drugs/alcohol, vaping)
    • Current Events on Health-Related Items
    • Nutrition

    Classroom Expectations
    Students are expected to dress out and participate every day in this course.  Students will participate in all activities and work at a high athletic level.  No horseplay will be allowed in the locker rooms, or the student may lose their locker room privileges.  Students will always be expected to keep their hands to themselves and to follow all safety rules.  Safety rules will be explained to the students.

    Academic Integrity
    Academic integrity values the work of individuals regardless if it is another student’s work, a researcher, or an author. The pursuit of learning requires each student to be responsible for his or her academic work.  Academic dishonesty is not tolerated in our schools. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination.  The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or other supervising professional employee and considers written materials, observation, or information from students. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to disciplinary and/or academic penalties. The teacher and campus administrator shall jointly determine such action.