• Visitors

    Visitors to Dozier Elementary are asked to check in at the front office with a valid form of ID.

  • Bell Schedule 

    Doors Open at 7:05 am

    School Start Time/Tardy Bell 7:30 am

    Dismissal Bell 2:50 pm


    Arrival Procedures

    To expedite the arrival process, we have three drop-off locations. Please be aware Drive C is only for buses and daycare buses. Please remain in your car. A staff member will assist your child, if needed.


    Drive A - Students in grades 2-5

    This lane is located closest to the sidewalk. Students are to be dropped off in this lane. For safety purposes, we ask that all students exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. The second lane is closed to through traffic. We want to keep our ducks safe while exiting the vehicle and for those utilizing the crosswalk.

    Drive B - Youngest Child in Pre-K/Kindergarten/1st Grade and Older Siblings

    Lane 1 - This lane is located closest to the sidewalk. Students are to be dropped off in this lane. For safety purposes, we ask that all students exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. This will prevent students from having to exit in passing traffic.

    Lane 2 - This lane is open for vehicles driving through the driveway. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to exit the vehicle in this lane during arrival.


    Drive C - Bus & Day Care

    Lane 1 - This lane is utilized as a bus and daycare drop-off only. Doors will lock after the last bus arrives and drops off. Student drop-off should use Drive A or Drive B.


    Dismissal Procedures

    To expedite the dismissal process, we have three pick-up locations.

    Drive A -

    • Pre-K, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
    • 2 lanes for dismissal

    Drive B –

    • Kinder, 1st Grade, & Older Siblings
    • 1 lane for dismissal

    Drive C –

    • Bus Riders
    • Day Care Riders


  • Home - School Compact

    Parents and schools can help elementary students start a lifetime of successful learning by becoming partners. Together, we can help children achieve success!

  • Student Responsibilities

    As a student, I will be responsible for...

    1. Attending school regularly
    2. Coming to class on time and being prepared to work
    3. Actively participating in all aspects of my education
    4. Respecting the rights of others to learn without distraction or disruption
    5. Completing all assignments to the best of my ability, and
    6. Spending time at home daily reading, studying, and doing homework
  • Parent Responsibilities

    As a parent, I will be responsible for...

    1. Seeing that my child attends school regularly and on time
    2. Providing a home environment that encourages my child to learn
    3. Actively participating in parent meetings and parent education programs
    4. Working closely with the classroom teachers to help my child be successful in the classroom
    5. Providing a regular time for working with my child on school-related activities, and
    6. Helping my child meet his or her responsibilities
  • Teacher Responsibilities

    As a teacher, I will be responsible for...

    1. Coming to class prepared to teach
    2. Helping each student reach his/her full potential
    3. Providing an environment conducive to learning
    4. Providing a safe and supportive learning environment
    5. Allowing students to be successful through the use of a variety of instructional experiences
    6. Maintaining communication with an ongoing basis through student progress reports, classroom/school newsletters and parent meetings, and
    7. Providing data that demonstrates student progress and mastery to student and parents.