• Chisholm Trail Fight Song Lyrics

    Go – Fight – Win, Win, Win Ranger... Pride!

    Rally round our dear old Rangers, cheer for the Purple and Gold. Gather round our Alma Mater through loyalty untold.
    Honor thee our conqu’ring heroes. Bring us a grand victory.
    On to battle,
    ne’er to yield,
    Ranger victory!

    C-T-H-S RANGERS...RIDE! Purple and Gold

  • Pride of Chisholm Trail

    Chisholm Trail High School Alma Mater

    Hail to thee o Chisholm Trail honor is your due.

    Reaching high like the Texas sky our love for you is true.
    With gold for courage purple for dignity
    We stand as strong as the sun.
    All in pride for you Chisholm Trail, our hearts we lift as one!